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The Comprehensive Guide to Facial Guasha : Unlocking the Secrets of Ancient Chinese Skincare


In the realm of skincare, few techniques have stood the test of time like Facial Guasha. Originating from Traditional Chinese Medicine, this ancient practice has been revitalized in modern skincare routines, offering a plethora of benefits that range from improved circulation to reduced signs of aging. This comprehensive guide aims to delve into the intricacies of Facial Guasha, providing you with a trustworthy resource to understand and benefit from this age-old technique.

guasha tools and guasha roller

Table of Contents

What is Facial Guasha?

Facial Guasha (面部刮痧) is a skincare technique deeply rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It involves the use of a flat, rounded tool, often referred to as a "Guasha board" (刮痧板), to scrape across the skin. This action aims to promote blood circulation , encourage lymphatic drainage , and enhance overall skin health . The term "Guasha" (刮痧) is derived from the Chinese words "gua" (刮), meaning to scrape, and "sha" (痧), which refers to the redness or petechiae that often appear on the skin post-treatment.

Historical Background

The roots of Facial Guasha can be traced back to ancient China, where it was initially used as a healing technique. Over the years, it has evolved into a popular skincare routine, embraced by both Eastern and Western cultures. The practice has been passed down through generations, and its efficacy is backed by both anecdotal evidence and emerging scientific research.

Benefits of Facial Guasha

  1. Improved Circulation One of the most immediate benefits of Facial Guasha is the improvement in blood circulation. The scraping action stimulates the skin, encouraging the flow of blood and oxygenating the cells.

  2. Lymphatic Drainage Facial Guasha aids in the drainage of lymphatic fluids, helping to detoxify the skin and reduce puffiness.

  3. Anti-Aging Regular practice can help in reducing fine lines and wrinkles, giving the skin a more youthful appearance.

  4. Enhanced Product Absorption The technique opens up the pores, allowing for better absorption of skincare products, thereby maximizing their effectiveness.

How to Perform Facial Guasha at Phang Nga Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic

At our clinic, we offer a specialized Facial Guasha treatment that incorporates a holistic approach to skincare. Our procedure consists of the following steps:

Guasha in Butterfly shape

Step 1: Cleaning We start by thoroughly cleansing the face to remove any makeup, dirt, and impurities. This ensures that your skin is ready for the subsequent steps. Step 2: Scrub A gentle exfoliating scrub is applied to remove dead skin cells and open up the pores, preparing the skin for better absorption of the products used later in the treatment. Step 3: Acupressure Acupressure techniques are employed to stimulate specific points on the face. This helps in improving blood circulation and releasing tension. Step 4: Guasha Our trained professionals then perform the Guasha technique using a specialized tool. Gentle but firm strokes are used, following the natural contours of your face. Step 5: Facial Steam A facial steamer is used to open up the pores further, aiding in the removal of any remaining impurities and preparing the skin for the mask application.

Step 6: Mask - Seven White Herb Facial Mask 七子白

At this stage, we apply our signature 'Seven White Herb Facial Mask 七子白.' This unique mask is formulated with a blend of seven traditional Chinese herbs, each selected for their skin-brightening and rejuvenating properties. The mask works to:

 Seven White Herb Facial Mask 七子白
  • Brighten Complexion: The herbs in the mask have natural skin-lightening properties that help to even out skin tone and reduce pigmentation.

  • Hydrate Skin: The mask is rich in natural moisturizers that deeply hydrate the skin, leaving it soft and supple.

  • Anti-Aging: The potent herbal ingredients work synergistically to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Detoxify: The mask also has detoxifying properties that help in removing impurities and toxins from the skin.

  • Soothe: The calming herbs in the mask help to reduce redness and inflammation, making it suitable for all skin types.

The 'Seven White Herb Facial Mask 七子白' is left on the skin for approximately 15-20 minutes to allow the active ingredients to penetrate deeply. After the time has elapsed, the mask is gently removed, revealing a brighter, more youthful complexion. Step 7: Aftercare Finally, we apply a moisturizer and other aftercare products to seal in the benefits of the treatment and protect your skin.

Precautions and Side Effects

While Facial Guasha is generally safe, there are some precautions to consider:

  • Skin Conditions If you have inflamed skin, active acne, or other skin conditions, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional before undergoing Facial Guasha treatment.

  • Pressure and Technique Always ensure that the practitioner uses gentle but firm pressure during the treatment. Excessive force can lead to bruising or skin irritation.

  • Sensitivity If you have sensitive skin, make sure to inform the practitioner beforehand. They may adjust the technique or products used to better suit your skin type.

  • Blood Thinners If you are on blood-thinning medications, consult your healthcare provider before undergoing the treatment, as it may increase the risk of bruising.

  • Pregnancy While Facial Guasha is generally considered safe, pregnant women should consult their healthcare provider before undergoing any new skincare treatments.

By taking these precautions into account, you can enjoy the numerous benefits of Facial Guasha while minimizing any potential risks.


  1. Is Facial Guasha Safe? Yes, when performed correctly and with the proper precautions, Facial Guasha is a safe and effective skincare technique.

  2. How Frequently Should I Do Facial Guasha? For optimal results, we recommend undergoing Facial Guasha treatment once a week. This frequency allows your skin to reap the full benefits of the treatment while minimizing the risk of skin sensitivity or irritation.

  3. What is the Seven White Herb Facial Mask 七子白? The Seven White Herb Facial Mask 七子白 is a specialized mask used in our clinic, formulated with seven traditional Chinese herbs. It aims to brighten, hydrate, and rejuvenate the skin.

  4. How Long Does a Facial Guasha Session Last? We offer three different durations for our Facial Guasha sessions: 60 minutes for 1000 THB / 90 minutes for 1450 THB / 120 minutes for 1800 THB. Each session includes the same steps, from cleaning to aftercare. However, we highly recommend opting for a duration of 90 minutes or more for a complete and thorough treatment experience.

  5. Is Facial Guasha Suitable for All Skin Types? Generally, yes. However, if you have sensitive skin or any specific skin conditions, it's advisable to consult with our professionals before undergoing the treatment.

  6. Are There Any Side Effects? Minor redness or sensitivity can occur immediately after the treatment but usually subsides within a few hours. If you experience prolonged discomfort, consult a professional.

  7. Do I Need to Prepare My Skin Before the Treatment? It's advisable to come with a clean face, but our clinic provides a thorough cleansing as the first step of the treatment.

  8. Can I Wear Makeup After the Treatment? We recommend waiting at least a few hours before applying makeup to allow your skin to absorb the benefits of the treatment fully.


Facial Guasha is more than just a trend; it's a time-tested technique with roots in ancient Chinese medicine. Incorporating it into your skincare routine can offer a range of benefits, from improved circulation to anti-aging effects. As with any skincare practice, it's essential to take the proper precautions and consult a professional if you're new to the technique.

About Phang Nga Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic

our clinic guasha tools

At Phang Nga Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic in Thalang, Phuket, Thailand, we specialize in offering authentic and holistic Facial Guasha treatments. Our skilled professionals are trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, ensuring that you receive a treatment that is both effective and rooted in centuries-old practices. We offer various session durations to suit your needs and use specialized products like the 'Seven White Herb Facial Mask 七子白' to enhance the benefits of the treatment.

We strive to provide a tranquil and rejuvenating environment where you can experience the full range of benefits that Facial Guasha has to offer. For a trustworthy and comprehensive Facial Guasha experience, we invite you to visit Phang Nga Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic.

Our Facial Guasha Treatment Packages

At Phang Nga Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, we offer specialized Facial Guasha treatments tailored to meet your skincare needs. Our sessions are conducted in private rooms to ensure a personalized experience. We can accommodate one person at a time, and appointments must be booked in advance.

Treatment Durations and Pricing:

  • 60 minutes for 1000 THB: Ideal for those looking for a quick yet effective treatment.

  • 90 minutes for 1450 THB: Highly recommended for a comprehensive and thorough treatment experience.

  • 120 minutes for 1800 THB: Perfect for those wishing to indulge in an extended session for maximum benefits.

To book an appointment, please contact us in advance at (+66)80-516-9239.

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